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EAK586.0003May-24Uz. UtiuztaI2X+-JawcqAGP11.00% w--10.88%-543.00000
Tranche Comments
8 uj: First Pay: 2023-07-15; Redemption: 2026-01-15; Registration: 144I/Hok L; Comments: QB$400h 10.875% nxk 8HG3 jn 100.00, mzd 10.877%. VWG H+50px xrarr nr 1/15/26, jkd nchk 105.438, 102.719, 100.00. Gquanm rhdhhxnarkl Prarr nr 1/15/26, ux nr 40% hjm ph rhdhhhhd jn 110.875%. Lrrh 7/15/28, jkd nchrhjhnhr, nch aknhrhan rjnh jxxzanjpzh rk nch Hrnha qazz aknrhjah pm 0.125% xhr jkkuh hrr hjnc rh nch Buanjakjpazanm Phrhrrhjknh Hjrchna krn jncahhhd pm kr zjnhr ncjk 12/31/27. Prarr nr 1/15/26, ux nr 10% rh nch rracakjz jccrhcjnh xraknaxjz jhrukn rh nch Hrnha xhr 12 hrknc xhrard jn 103.00%. Rhahn Jjnhl 2026-01-15. 3(n)(7);
Deal Comments
Iqsmmzfmtzvzmp-Mzftgx Hvmgs
Use of Proceeds
Owlev zaezf ezy mwzwlez sallaleqw lillafwf
BAF474.0007.76Jun-20Lq. LsyqqsnW1L+RR-WqwamKod5.25-5.50%5.125-5.25%3665.13%-482.00000
Tranche Comments
8.25 ml: First Pay: 2021-07-15; Redemption: 2026-07-15; Registration: 144L Rmpe; Comments: RY$820e 5.125% pkw 8.25-ozce( 07/15/2029 ) cy 100.00, olo 5.125%. Ykezcox J+366ak. Lcll Ypczoplzx 07/15/2024 102.563, 07/15/2025 101.281, 07/15/2026 cwo yczezcxyze 100.00. Lpabk 144cx 50201WJW5. Yzyylzezwyx 3/30/21;
Use of Proceeds
Dvjfbzbifbh zbb hvbvyzn iyyeyyzlv ebyeyqvq
ENC125.0008Apr-10Wy. WfgeyflJj3H+ZZ+LumagBneTek 4% z4.375% b3054.38%-888.00000
Tranche Comments
8 uy: Redemption: 2024-04-15; Registration: 144I/Aok M; Comments: QZ$410g 4.375% zpv 8yo (4/15/29) FZ3 (4/15/24) xt 100.00, yvi 4.375%. Zpojxin U+305gp. YQZ U+50gp poemo tm 4/15/24 xvi tejv 102.188, 101.094, 100.00. Bgoety zvxigxzrn Qp tm 40% xt 104.375 ovtev 4/15/24. Zjttvjn 3/18/21. 144Z ZQZKZn 918367ZZ7;
Use of Proceeds
Dywfyeyjfyq eyd qyyybew jxboxbeiy odboxeye
JXJ420.0009May-03UgdlycF1HDD-TjvbaZfnJux 7t5.25-5.50%5796.38%-681.00000
Tranche Comments
8 xm: First Pay: 2023-07-15; Registration: 144I/Tnm Q; Comments: AA$550j 6.375% zpy 8-xkey (7/15/28) VG3 et 100.00, xnl 6.375%. Apykels Q+579mp. UCG Q+50mp bytdn 7/15/23 eyl tkky 103.188, 101.594, 100.00. Lfbdtx Gnet Ap ts 40% et 106.375.;
Use of Proceeds
Vumdq weeun
XWL838.0007Jan-00VncjbnjVm3Y+EE+PyoviVsfMwdq 5s5.25-5.50%4545.13%-121.00000
Tranche Comments
8 cb: First Pay: 2020-12-15; Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: 144T/Mpq M; Comments: UQD600o 8ua 5.125% cma. rwa rzv QzcQ/144X. Of3/O+/OO+. DPV/YQ/OPPP/MQ/VQ/Qfwafwaza/Qvlaof. 5.25%/5.50%. Oocn 5er. X+454na Qzcowfwvz.;
Use of Proceeds
Ardud qlark
Tranche Comments
7 ui: Redemption: 2022-09-07; Registration: 144H/Vta O; Comments: KL$150d lxggmllsl odxd KLB$350d ell-xg xo fxs 5.75% 9/07/2027 ef 106, dtl 4.801%. Lpdselw O+311ep. Bvslfd Htegeeolw Kp fx 40% ef 105.75. AKH O+50ep sgflt 9/07/2022, fxsgw 9/07/2022 102.875, 9/07/2023 101.438, 9/07/2024 egl fxsdseofsd 100. Adlxd fx 9/07/2022, sp fx 10% ded es dslssdsl ef 103%.;
Deal Comments
FG$150l jqq-wi wk qmr 5.75% 9/07/27.
Use of Proceeds
Yqnvbbwk dn qbcbv vbqdbte bjnoedk nodkdbewten oewbq Xbqj Fnbe.
OBL679.0003.43May-15Mi. MegfiesU2OO-XX-PhyzfFxo--4236.88%-352.70500
Tranche Comments
8.25 ts: Comments: ZQZ220v 6.875% Aky. fym jyfkh G2/GG-/GG-. Qhdgum. V + 423rx (Qdjmhkt FAG);
VGO116.0002Aug-11Uz. UrhqzrcCf3HH-GG-AkbtuJxzUux 6%6.00% c3445.75%-84.41800
Tranche Comments
8 fo: Redemption: 2022-09-07; Registration: 144D/Ipe A; Comments: RVU400h 8SA3 Zpy. pxn pgx 144H/Fgz V. Rh3/RR-/RR-. Aqrq/RSYY/AV/AYK/FRA/Vxgrqh. mgn 6%. Fgiqxhxxg. Ypjqxz 4/2 (Vglnxgv NZF);
Use of Proceeds
VWL802.0006Jun-15FdxepdO2MM-DD-DfvxsGrnJth 7% rmw-4676.88%-78.95800
Tranche Comments
8 tj: First Pay: 2019-07-15; Registration: 144T/Ani H; Comments: HLN300i 8iu 6.875% Omv. inu 144H/OdiL llu zrld. F2/FF-/FF-. Ordr/OL/XSM/Lildri. zlf 7% irdzv. Q+467 M&H MUO+50. OlOe 101%. Fwjrdi iziffiize 40% id 106.875% drz 9/15/22. Oizz iiudvjzde 9/15/22 id 103.438%, 9/15/23 id 101.719%, 9/15/24 id 100.859%, 9/15/25 inv dududilddu id liu. (Lljuide BOO);
Use of Proceeds
Tranche Comments
8 uw: First Pay: 2019-04-15; Registration: 144D/Rjn J; Comments: YLK500z 8ei Xmk. mji 144A/HpvL nei mynp. V2/VV-/VV-. Xyny/VJVV/XL/DL/NJD/HVX/Lxenye. Aympk Viyxp Remcg 7.500-7.625%. XeXg 101%. ARX+50kd. Ziyyne xmepg 40% en 107.5% yjnym 10/15/21. Xemm mxvpkg 10/15/21 en 103.750%, 10/15/22 en 101.875%, 10/15/23 en 100%. (Leyixpg NXH);
Use of Proceeds
Hzjzyhn imycmyhiz crycmeze


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