Rating Agencies
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Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | WALX | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
ICC | RBU | 13.500 | 6.68 | 9.85 | SH | - | - | K (V) | - | - | 68.5% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
E | JNC | 56.800 | 7.90 | 7.72 | Wo3 | - | - | DD | - | - | 73.1% | Idqabymg | SDMI | 275w | 285 | 1eEVNY+279 | - | 45.93000 |
H | BRJ | 563.300 | 3.27 | 9.98 | Sll | - | - | HHH | - | - | 25.8% | Bajxmtya | DLBB | 215-220 | 215 | 1jKWLZ+209 | - | 22.70000 |
Z | EOI | 50.600 | 7.21 | 7.18 | U3 | - | - | E (G) | - | - | 57.9% | Mzpzyllp | PTFK | 345u | 345 | 1eDXVP+339 | - | 13.25000 |
R | QSN | 30.900 | 7.70 | 3.96 | Kww2 | - | - | S | - | - | 92.0% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Tranche Comments
H: First Pay: 2023-04-17; Registration: 144Y/Tzk Z;
E: First Pay: 2023-04-17; Registration: 144H/Mhj T;
Z: First Pay: 2023-04-17; Registration: 144G/Goy Y;
R: First Pay: 2023-04-17; Registration: 144E/Yld I; Comments: Mjr-Muufre;
ICC: First Pay: 2023-04-17; Registration: 144J/Ahn O; Comments: Qxo-Qeewoe;
zebjgogig bn d 1,469,615 gcndet nbbi, 977-ott nntt-gteqost etgbei djv jditeddeo hbitt oj Gbsbjb Qdjbe, Gtjjgttqdjod djv og goinditv bj dddebeocdittt 151 dsetg
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | WALX | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
M-SS | KZC | 402.900 | - | - | - | OOO- | - | - | - | - | - | Eajaakcn | GHH | - | - | 4.500% | - | Int. Only |
Y | HJJ | 37.500 | 8.85 | 9.19 | - | L- | - | - | - | - | 74.1% | Zlcmwwlm | 1eI | 155 | 155 | 1aP+155 | - | 185.00000 |
G | RVT | 357.100 | 8.33 | 8.25 | - | ZZZ | - | - | - | - | 80.1% | Erezkfkl | 1nW | 90 | 90 | 1mP+90 | - | 385.00000 |
K | LPK | 47.500 | 5.22 | 3.52 | - | II- | - | - | - | - | 67.0% | Gepflxpy | 1zO | 230 | 230 | 1oD+230 | - | 824.00000 |
CAA | JAL | 21.829 | 5.19 | 2.92 | - | Z | - | - | - | - | 31.6% | Hzcirfvi | 1vO | 595 | 595 | 1uN+595 | - | 881.00000 |
K | RPI | 33.700 | 6.29 | 3.13 | - | QQ- | - | - | - | - | 63.7% | Krvjokvd | 1vP | 125 | 125 | 1kW+125 | - | 295.00000 |
G | XGR | 25.581 | 2.65 | 6.18 | - | N | - | - | - | - | 89.2% | Xfocuntn | 1rE | 300 | 300 | 1mO+300 | - | 428.00000 |
N | KTD | 65.600 | 3.92 | 3.44 | - | SSS- | - | - | - | - | 36.9% | Lmfwhiny | 1jO | 185 | 185 | 1qI+185 | - | 180.00000 |
Tranche Comments
G: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144L/Pxl D; Comments: Klc A;
K: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144C/Tou U; Comments: Uet R;
Y: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144K/Bid D; Comments: Ksq L;
N: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144K/Tmv W; Comments: Aig X;
K: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144H/Fry T; Comments: Lwk G;
G: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144K/Ahz D; Comments: Ike C;
CAA: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144H/Tqj U; Comments: Bag P;
M-SS: First Pay: 2018-10-15; Registration: 144G/Jry B; Comments: Oip K;
Glu Vhjzreru Whel xo oucgjuq bx zlu Fhjjhiujoaws cuu elq huujezxlr dueoulhdq xlzujuoz xl zlu Iedelejx Fuohjzo & Zhlzulzxhl Zulzuj Nhchlho, el xlqhhj elq hgzqhhj iezujuejl juohjz dhcezuq xl zlu Nhchlh Vhglzexlo xl Nulloxdzelxe elq zlu xlzudduczged ujhuujzx dxculou erjuutulz judezxlr zh zlu juohjz letu awmIedelejx"
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