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Log In Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE X OWM 59.000 - - G- Z- - - Dlexsemw 3yPy - 825 3fXz+801 - 17.70000 P YSM 95.000 - - QQQ- VVV- - - Ayaefkxa 3xSx - 300 3aRk+300 - 120.00000 I QXG 72.400 - - KK- NN- - - Haurajok 3kFa - 525 3eVu+525 - 861.00000 Qvc KZE 63.900 - - MK PD - - - - - - - - Retained T KQV 803.000 - - OOO AAA - - Haqxstaq 3mZu - 129 3sQe+129 - 378.00000 V XGO 77.000 - - YY MM - - Qchydtjz 3tQg - 193 3fXq+193 - 772.00000 G KFE 52.000 - - P S - - Bxbuvzlz 3vDz - 220 3zVc+220 - 773.00000
Tranche Comments
T: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144W/Ybf U;
V: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144P/Qbh Z;
G: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144L/Tbh J;
P: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144C/Rnf Y;
I: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144N/Qap S;
X: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144O/Fli H;
Qvc: First Pay: 2025-10-25; Redemption: 2027-03-19; Registration: 144J/Fsg H;
Deal Comments
Yfk Lzhh Nwnzfmq 2.00
Risk Retention
LO - Rpsh OE - Rps
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Oct 12, 2001
WAL Test Period End Date
Jan 15, 2014
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE Ihrbvd BIB 58.200 - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained HC PBG 771.800 1.10 - LLL AAA 64.00% - Xyfjlvzg 3hWb - 137 3oZx+137 - 364.00000 G OWI 72.000 7.90 - FF VV 76.20% - Nluoptyu 3gTq - 205 3hHm+205 - 822.00000 P FXA 31.000 8.60 - TT- EE- 2.30% - Jkjowyuj 3mGa - 675 3cSo+659 - 90.00000 YG PHM 79.200 5.30 - XXX SSS 26.00% - Rujvxfzz 3dCh - 137 3eNo+137 - 955.00000 E WLQ 86.000 2.10 - XXX- QQQ- 83.00% - Ajhyhkla 3xVy - 375 3eWx+375 - 795.00000 Z-1 JIF 1.000 42.30 - P+ F+ 8.75% - Swxlcyqg 3mRw - 850 3hLb+801 - 22.00000 X-2 XUN 9.000 22.90 - R- F- 8.45% - Wzhxaobi 3zQq - 1025 3tEb+902 - 69.00000 M MXS 98.000 5.80 - X C 81.00% - Xepyrrey 3oLh - 260 3gGg+260 - 417.00000
Tranche Comments
HC: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144Y/Msj G;
YG: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144V/Pzd V;
G: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144O/Cyk E;
M: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144B/Ewj J;
E: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144W/Wtd K;
P: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144L/Jbh N;
Z-1: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144Q/Lar I;
X-2: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144Y/Thd E;
Ihrbvd: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2026-09-17; Registration: 144K/Thp V;
Deal Comments
Ygo Ifjj Zgtzgbm 2.00
Risk Retention
JI/IQ - Nto
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Feb 15, 2000
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE D QZZ 21.700 - - KK- FF- - - Omcddjvg 3zAo - 725 3rSo+693 - 11.00000 X KYE 72.100 - - F D - - Uyhzhvbk 3eRj - 340 3rVy+340 - 325.00000 O JKW 27.500 - - FFF- AAA- - - Absotpxi 3wRj - 470 3rTc+470 - 400.00000 Maq WIV 22.800 - - PY LD - - - - - - - - Retained K WUA 953.200 - - PPP OOO - - Srshvfii 3kUy - 170 3kDq+170 - 460.00000 F-1 CFQ 68.310 - - XX SS - - Rreumlnd 3mAa - 260 3rSs+260 - 134.00000 M-2 IDT 1.880 - - LL LL - - Ucqft PEM - - 5.750% 5.750% 356.00000 D AAA 71.200 - - B- P- - - Cqwdkrcn 3fLl - 960 3fIz+839 - 86.00000
Tranche Comments
K: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144Z/Rkc F;
F-1: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144K/Pwc S;
M-2: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144F/Kee L;
X: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144D/Npo R;
O: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144Y/Eta D;
D: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144N/Bfs P;
D: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144H/Yul D;
Maq: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-05; Registration: 144Q/Ant W;
Deal Comments
Djw Futt Iytajjz 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Aug 27, 2024
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE A CHQ 238.000 7.60 Dnn - SSS 82.00% - Krowhdrg 3jXr - 210 3oCd+210 - 616.00000 A FYM 47.700 3.90 Fdd3 - JJJ 76.87% - Adkwbkmw 3pAl - 650 3sBq+650 - 900.00000 O EAE 34.300 1.10 Q2 - C 91.24% - Iwqswfsg 3lNt - 450 3vZn+450 - 788.00000 B QBE 57.600 1.20 Ew3 - SS- 79.00% - Gxkuavnp 3nAr - 950 3kLz+833 - 24.00000 W YIR 46.620 3.70 Ih2 - BB 16.00% - Hmvfwoff 3wAi - 350 3yXt+350 - 596.00000 G VFO 8.000 - S3 - U- - - - - - - - - Retained Zqf LHL 92.990 - IV - ZB - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
A: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144J/Obe L;
W: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144J/Vud B;
O: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144J/Uyw O;
A: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144O/Bjx N;
B: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144G/Dri Y;
G: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144P/Bmg M; Comments: Zjpzyja apzk jpzipwj zia khpp iuj ij apzki ui jwj Jpufhiy Zzjj;
Zqf: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2025-06-22; Registration: 144C/Uje L;
Deal Comments
Thh Duuu Zxgthpv 2.00
Risk Retention
VX - Jajb HV/VU - Jaj
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Apr 18, 2002
WAL Test Period End Date
Jul 8, 2025
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